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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Football derby: JU vs. VŠTE

Victory for JU

16:40, 25/06/2024

On Wednesday, 15 May 2024, the long-awaited football derby between the University of South Bohemia (JU) and the University of Technology and Economics (VŠTE) took place at the SK Čtyři Dvory field. This match was one of the highlights of the University Football League and attracted around 250 enthusiastic spectators who came to support their teams and enjoy the exciting atmosphere of the sports competition. The organisers provided a wide range of refreshments, including the popular Samson beer, which added to the overall enjoyable atmosphere.


JU entered the match with great vigour and dictated the pace of the game right from the first minutes. Already in the eleventh minute, the first goal was scored when one of the VŠTE defenders unluckily knocked the ball into his own net. This unfortunate incident gave JU a 1-0 lead and boosted their offensive ambitions.


Five minutes later, in the sixteenth minute, JU scored again to increase their lead to 2-0. JU continued to press and struck again before the end of the first half. The players went into the locker room with a comfortable 3-0 lead. In this part of the game the rule “you don’t give, you get” was in full effect.

After the break, VŠTE tried to change the course of the game and entered the second half with more determination. However, JU still maintained its dominance on the field, controlling the game and increasing its lead to 4:0.


Despite JU’s significant lead, VŠTE did not give up and continued to fight. Their efforts were finally crowned with success at the end of the match when they managed to score an honorable goal and adjust the final score to 4:1. This goal brought some joy to their fans and showed that the team has a fighting spirit.


The 4-1 result secured JU’s second place in the University Football League group, a great achievement for the team and a reward for their hard work and commitment throughout the season. Winning this derby not only strengthened their position in the league, but also boosted the team’s morale ahead of the upcoming matches.


Martin Červenec from VŠTE and Filip Votava from JU were named the best players of the match.


A big thank you to all the fans who came to support their university athletes. Their presence and loud cheering created a great atmosphere, which contributed to an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.


The football derby between JU and VŠTE showed once again how important university sport is for the community and how it can bring people together. We look forward to future sporting events and hope that the support of our fans will continue to be strong. Thank you to everyone who came out and created an unforgettable atmosphere!


Thank you to the partners of the event:

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

University of Technology and Economics in České Budějovice

City of České Budějovice

South Bohemian Region

Budějovický Budvar

ČEZ Group

GoDrive – České Budějovice carsharing

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