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Welcome festival – Jamfire

1.10. was the first in a series of Jamfire events, this time as part of the student festival.

11:00, 11/10/2024

The Welcome Festival, a festival for students, was an event that ran throughout the second week of the new semester. In addition to countless lectures, theatre games, quizzes or parties, you could also visit JAMFIRE.

As of the new semester, the event has a fully functioning band, but the jam is still open to the general public and you are welcome to join the band. The main guest was Jakub Parizek, who rang his drums and it was really something! A show we definitely have to repeat sometime in the future.

Of course there were also competitions and selected prizes. Fun accompanied the attendees throughout the evening and thanks to that we can’t wait for the next event.

You can already look forward to a special Halloween Jamfire, which will take place on 4.11. classically in the Student Club Kampa.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

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