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We celebrated our first year on the scene to close out the semester. Guys, IT WAS WORTH IT!

18:47, 12/05/2024

Summer JAMFIRE was absolutely amazing!

The last Jamfire of the “season” was specific. Besides the traditional program, we prepared a beerpong for you and the people from REDBULL came to support us for the second time. Even though the weather was not quite to our liking, we managed to make the evening really lively and the atmosphere was just great.

Beerpong was a success and it was definitely not the last time we put it on the schedule. We also have to thank the full evening of music and culture from the redbulls, which we also thought was a great success. And last but not least, the boys also gave a good account of themselves and the music could be heard throughout the campus.
It was a ride and we are definitely not going to lay down our arms! On the contrary, we are already preparing the program for next year and you have a lot to look forward to! We are really looking forward to it!!!

We would also like to remind you of the great JU CLOSER event, where we do not perform, but you can find our merch and products here. So don’t hesitate to write us, the last order of JAMFIRE MERCHE will be here soon. “Look forward to the summer…
We look forward to the next school year, we’ll be back in October!

JAMFIRE – thanks for having us.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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