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Student life on USB


Overview of student unions at the University of South Bohemia.


Communitas Bohemica

Communitas Bohemica

Servus! Are you interested in Czech, Slovak or German culture, wherever you are? Then Communitas Bohemica is here for you!

Barbora Winklerová



The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Jakub Trtík



The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia was established in 2013 in connection with the success of the first introductory course for the first years. It is the largest association at the university and organizes the largest events for students in České Budějovice. The most popular events include the Welcome Semester party, Seznamovak JU, Campus Lives, Art Day and University Closing. SUJU also organizes lectures and workshops and a number of student quizzes.

PUSHRUN – Studentský Běžecký Klub

PUSHRUN – Studentský Běžecký Klub

Jsme studentský běžecký klub PushRun, vytvořený k rozvoji běhu a propojení studentů Jihočeské univerzity. Hlavním cílem je vytvoření studentské běžecké kultury, ve které studenti sdílí svou vášeň pro pohyb, najdou zde i nové přátele s podobnými zájmy a získají podporu k dosažení svých cílů.

Maksim Gaintsev



Viktor Borský




Simona Vorlíčková

Manažer pobočky


Jsme studentskou asociací, která chce vám, studentům i široké veřejnosti, poskytnout možnost realizovat své akce a projekty. Vznikli jsme teprve nedávno, ale naše dveře jsou pro vás otevřené.
Jsme studentskou asociací, která chce vám, studentům i široké veřejnosti, poskytnout možnost realizovat své akce a projekty. Vznikli jsme teprve nedávno, ale naše dveře jsou pro vás otevřené.



The popular cultural event, which will now take place in the venue of the @klubkampa 🎓
JAMFIRE is trying to do things a little differently. If you like jam sessions, competitions and above all evenings full of unadulterated fun, this cultural event is for you! You can find us at least once a month in the Kampa student club space, where our crew always opens the gates to the general public and makes sure you forget about your study and non-study problems. We are JAMFIRE - an event that is run by you.
More information: @_jamfire_

Martin Štemberk



ESN USB Budweis

David Zeman



Lenka Nedvědová



ESN USB Budweis

Erasmus Student Network USB Budweis is a student association at the University of South Bohemia. The association has about 15 members across faculties and grades who lead various activities and about 40 students who are so-called buddies for a foreign student. This association was founded in 2019 by connecting the long-running International Student Club of the University of South Bohemia (ISC USB) to the largest European non-profit student network Erasmus Student Network.

Discussion window

The Discussion Window is a group that meets regularly for free discussion, exchange of opinions and experiences on various topics. The aim of this association is also to debate. A debate is a guided conversation between two teams on an important social topic.

Kristýna Urbánková



Budějovický Majáles

Budějovický Majáles je nezisková organizace, která každoročně realizuje stejnojmenný multižánrový festival.
Již dvacet let přinášíme do města nabitý pětidenní festival jdoucí s dobou. Program festivalu je velmi rozmanitý. Představuje divadla, promítání, přednášky, workshopy, koncerty, pouliční umění, výstavy, módní přehlídky, performance a mnoho dalšího. Dáváme prostor k prezentaci zástupcům uměleckých vysokých škol či lokálním kulturním aktérům.

Seznamovák JU

Are you entering freshman year? Then don\'t hesitate and come with us to Seznamovák. In addition to getting to know your school, finding out how it works and learning with IS STAG, we have a breathtaking program ready for you. Jump from the bridge, bumperball, zumba, show Na stojáka, water football and great teambuilding are a matter of course. You will experience all this and much more in four days on Vranovská beach.

Seznamovák JU

736 726 433


Klub absolventů Jihočeské univerzity

Klub absolventů


Klub absolventů Jihočeské univerzity

The USB Alumni Club offers its members other informational, educational, cultural and social events and is intended for all those who have successfully completed their studies at JU within the offered bachelor\\\'s, master\\\'s and doctoral degree programmes.

Univerzitní křesťanské hnutí (UKH)

We are a group of Christian students studying at the University of South Bohemia.

Budweis Bigfoots – Quadball team

Budweis Bigfoots


We are mostly Budějovice people who like sports and the world of Harry Potter. If we combine these two things together, we get what we all subconsciously know - a game called Famfrpál (Quadball).