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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

On Monday, 25 March, the second year of the all-day event called \"Easter with SUJU\" took place on the campus of the University of South Bohemia.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Again after a year, a total ride. Thank you for a great and record turnout.

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Jeden z dlouhodobých projektů studentského spolku JAMFIRE je venku! Ano, máme trika a ty může získat kdokoliv z Vás, kdo chce podpořit tuto rozpálenou akci. Pokud máte o triko zájem, stačí nám napsat do DM na naše sociální sítě (FB, IG nebo mail) a detaily už spolu vyřešíme.

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One of the long-term projects of the JAMFIRE student association is out! Yes, we have t-shirts and they are available to any of you who want to support this hot event. If you\\\'re interested in a shirt, just DM us on our social media (FB, IG or email) and we\\\'ll work out the details together.

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Kampa 11.12., to byl den jako stvořený pro další našlapanou studentskou akci v režii kluků z \"ohnivé marmelády\" - JAMFIRE!❤️‍🔥

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

The evening of 4 December was quite special for the Kampa Student Club, because the first Devil Beer Pong took place there.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Eleven pairs, three minutes and one evening.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

Food, good music and happy people. This is what you can imagine under the event called Campus Alive. The event, which is traditionally organized every year by the Student Union, took place on 17-18 October.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

The first edition of the Alumni Festival took place on 17 and 18 October. The event was dedicated to all our alumni, students and employees of the University of South Bohemia. A number of bands performed at the festival, including Epydemye, a band backed by two of our alumni, Lucie Vlasáková and Jan Přeslička.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

On the 17th and 18th of October the first edition of the Alumni Festival took place, during which we started to organize the fourth edition of the Food Festival.

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The Student Union of the University of South Bohemia

The biggest Halloween party in České Budějovice.

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